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Nâng cao từ vựng IELTS band 7.0+ chủ đề Education

Education là Topic thường xuyên xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS cũng như chủ đề sử dùng nhiều trong cuộc sống hằng ngày. Vì vậy trong bài viết này Oxford English UK sẽ chia sẻ tới các bạn những từ vựng nâng cao cho topic Education . Đừng quên save về để luyện tập mỗi ngày nhé.

  • Kindergarten:trường mầm non
  • Primary school – pre-school education: trường cấp 1
  • Secondary school:Trường cấp 2
  • College = further education : Cao đẳng
  • Higher education = university education
  • Post-graduate school:sau đại học
  • PhD = Doctorate
  • Vocational course:khóa học dạy về kỹ năng cho một nghề nghiệp cụ thể (khóa học hướng nghiệp)
  • Distance leaning course:khóa học đào tạo từ xa
  • Comprehensive education:giáo dục toàn diện
  • Be graduated from:tốt nghiệp từ
  • To enroll on/in a degree course:đăng ký một khóa học
  • To major in physics:chọn vật lý là môn học chính ở đại học
  • To attend a lecture:tham gia bài giảng
  • To attend a tutorial:tham gia lớp học kèm
  • To deliver lecture:giảng bài = To lecture in something: giảng về cái gì đó
  • To do note-taking:ghi chép, ghi chú lại
  • Keeping up with the work load:theo kịp với khối lượng công việc hoặc khối lượng học được yêu cầu
  • To fall behind with study = fail to keep pace with the school/university work:không theo kịp bài vở trên trường
  • Play truant/truancy:trốn học
  • The literacy rate:tỉ lệ biết chữ
  • Illiterate (a):mù chữ
  • A gap year:chỉ một năm nghỉ khi chuyển tiếp giữa cấp 3 và đại học
  • To give out or assign homework:giao bài tập về nhà
  • To do or complete homework:hoàn thành bài tập về nhà
  • To complete/graduate high school:tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông
  • To do/participate/take part in school activities/sport:tham gia các hoạt động tại trường/thể thao
  • be an arduous process = sth. be a tiring process that requires a great deal of effort

EX: Attending a university with a top ­tier reputation often is an arduous but rewarding process.

  • be very rewarding= making someone feel satisfie 

EX: Teaching can be a very rewarding career. It allows teachers to have an input in the development of young lives.

  • someone’s aspiration / pursuit = someone’s strong wish for achievement

EX: The educational aspirations/pursuits of rural youth tend to be different from those of students living elsewhere.

  • concentrate on sth= direct someone’s thoughts or attention towards sth EX: Some people think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single ­sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourage pupils to concentration their studies.
  • form the basis of sth= provide the ideas or actions from which sth. can develop EX:Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson.
  • academic performance= kết quả học tập 

EX:Tyler’s academic performance has been disappointing.

  • academic qualifications= the degrees, diplomas and certificates that someone has acquired Today academic 

EX: Qualifications are essential for getting a reasonable career.

  • be gifted / be talented= has an impressive natural ability In the process of being educate

EX: We can learn from the achievements of those more gifted than ourselves.

  • Rote memorization= a learning technique that focuses on learning by repetition

EX: Rote memorisation is not entirely useless. It can help children to learn the basics such as the multiplication tables. (học vẹt)

  • learn sth by heart= learn sth. so that you can remember it perfectly 

EX:The view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the facts by heart may be unfair and unjustified.

  • Read extensively= read widely

EX: Some people argue that examinations do not motivate students to read extensively.

  • induce cramming = cause students to prepare hastily for an examination (trong đó to induce: gây ra, cramming: nhồi)

EX: It concerns some parents that these examinations may induce cramming.

  • ignorance= lack of knowledge about a particular subject 

EX: No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from them.

  • students’ autonomy= students’ right to organise their own activities 

EX:Students ‘autonomy should be encouraged when there are not enough teachers to go around.

  • Self-discipline= the ability to make oneself do things when he/she should, even if he/she does not want to do them

EX: Lydia lacks self ­discipline and is unable to finish anything.

  • role model= a person whom someone admires and whose behaviour and attitudes he/she tries to cop 

EX:My elder brother has always been a role model for me.

  • Set a good example= encourage or inspire people to do the same thing as one does
  • Meet someone’s expectations = be as good as expected 

EX: His academic performance failed to meet his parents’ expectations.

  • fall short of someone’s expectations= be disappointing to someone 

EX:Jamie kept falling short of my expectations.

  • cannot be guaranteed success= There is no assurance that something will be a success 

EX:So far no teaching methods can be guaranteed success.

  • Self-paced learning / education= learning whose rate of speed can be set or regulated by the students themselves 

EX:Self­ paced distance learning offers students convenience and flexibility.

  • core curriculum= the set of common courses that are required of all students 

EX:The core curriculum provides the necessary general education for students, irrespective of their fields of interest.

  • the aims of education= the purpose of education 

EX:The aims of education should not be restricted to the development of knowledge or skill.

  • academic attainment = sth. that students succeeded in doing in class 

EX:Japan has a significantly better record in terms of average mathematical attainment than England and Wales.

  • specialise in sth= be an expert of a particular part of a subject = to major in sth 

EX: Grant Freeman, a biologist who specialjses in identifying insects, has come to talk to us about his current research work.

  • extra-curricular activities= activities that are not part of the course that a student is doing 

EX:These extra­curricular activities offer students an outlet for creativity and problem­solving.

  • promote equality= ensure the same conditions, possibilities and rights

EX: Some people believe that uniforms can promote equality and encourage better behaviour at school.

  • compulsory subject = a subject that must be studied by all students 

EX: It is recognised as an important compulsory subject throughout schooling.

  • kindle someone’s interest in sth. = make someone interested in sth 

EX:The students’ interest in mathematics was kindled by Emma’s excellent.

  • optional subjects / courses = subjects / courses that may be chosen or not chosen EX:They believe that at the secondary level, all students should take Math and English, but other subjects can be optional.
  • There is no substitute for sb. / sth. = sb./sth. is irreplaceable

EX: There is no substitute for a face­-to-­face relationship with a caring and well­-informed teacher.

  • distance learning = a flexible form of learning where students can study from home, work or on the move 

EX: The biggest advantage of distance learning programmes is their accessibility.


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