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Làm sao để tăng điểm kĩ năng IELTS Speaking “vù vù”?

Nói được tiếng Anh trôi chảy không đồng nghĩa với việc đạt tối đa band điểm IELTS Speaking. Để đạt được mức IELTS Speaking 7.0+, các bạn cần sử dụng nhiều từ vựng cũng như những cấu trúc hay. Có những câu tiếng việt muốn dịch ra tiếng anh thì cực dễ nhưng mà chính vì do cực dễ nên bị lặp từ 1 cách thường xuyên. Vì vậy trong bài viết này, Oxford English UK sẽ chia sẻ với các bạn các cách diễn đạt mới mẻ cho những câu thường nói trong speaking.


I like/ love/adore/enjoy …

I’ve always liked/loved

I’m (very/deeply) interested in ..

My main interest is …

I’m (really) fond of …

I have a particular fondness

I am a real fan of. .. … really appeals to me

I’m quite fascinated by …

. .. interests/fascinates me a lot.

I’ m really keen on …

. …be a great/marvellous way to …

It would make sense to me

It’s amazing/smashing/perfect/incredible/terrific/wonderful to…

I am a real fan of. ..

… really appeals to me

I’m intrigued by… .

.. has always intrigued me

I find it (quite/absolutely) fascinating/interesting/enjoyable to….

It’s fine/excellent/great/superb/fabulous/ marvelous….


I don’t like/enjoy/ .. . very much.

I dislike/hate . ..

I am not (very) interested in…

It’s (terribly/ awfully) boring.

… rather bores me.

It’s too …

I don’t go for. .. ( Infml)

I’m not into … (Infml)

It’s tedious to …

I am not fond of…

I don’t (particularly) care for …

I find … sort of boring

I don’t like … at all.

It doesn’t appeal to me

I am not keen on …

I don’t find it very interesting.

I find … (particularly/really/very) unattractive/unpleasant

I really expect it to be better/nicer.

I don’t think it’s very interesting/exciting.

Um … I don’t have much/any interest in…

I find … (rather/ very/ totally) boring/dull


It makes no difference to me

It’s all the same to me

I don ‘t mind (noun/v-ing)

I don’t care.

It doesn’t matter to me….or not.

I don’t hold any particular position on that issue/matter.


I’d (much) prefer. . to.

I’d prefer not to …

I’d (much) rather (not) …

I’d like …

I tend to prefer …

I enjoy … (much) more than . ..

I like … more/better than …

I’m much more interested in …

I’m (much) more attracted to …

My choice/preference would be

On the whole, I find … more attractive/interesting/enjoyable

On balance, … appeals to me more than …


I’m able to …

I can …

I’m (pretty) good at…

I have the experience/ability/ qualifications necessary to

I’m capable of …

I feel capable of …


I mean

What I mean is …

What I’m trying to say is …

That means …

In short

Well, as a matter of fact

Here, I’m referring to …

In fact

To be more precise,

To be exact…

In other words

Let’s put it this way


I’ve managed …

I have managed to …

I’d like to have …

I’ve been able to …

I was able to …

I hope I’ll have …


… is the main contributing factor. …

is the cause of …

… is caused by …

There is a direct/close link between … and …

One of the main causes of this problem is … Another cause is …

The most important reason why is … Another reason is…


I think

I tend to think


I think

To my mind

From my point of view

I (firmly) believe

In my view In my experience I would say .. .

To the best of my knowledge In my opinion

It seems to me that/the way I see it is that…

As far as l’m concerned

As far as I can see

For my money (Infml)

What I think is this …

I’d like to point out.

It is a good idea to …


It is said that

It is believed that…

It is thought that. ..

It is expected that. ..

It is considered …

It is understood …

It is known that…

It is reported that…

It is alleged that…




I agree entirely

I (totally/completely/quite) agree

I couldn’t agree more ( I completely agree)

So do/did/can … I

Neither do/did/can … I

I feel the same way

That’s just what I was thinking

I’m in favour of …

I think it’s a good idea because …

I go along with the idea that …/ with your view that…

I couldn’t agree more

I think it’s justifiable in some ways

I share your opinion that/on the issue of…


I agree on the whole

I agree up to a point. ..

That’s quite right, but. ..

I agree to some extent.

Well, you have a point there, but…

Hmm, Possibly, but. ..


Um … I actually think

I don’t agree/disagree

I don ‘t think so

I tend to disagree

I’m completely against it because …

I’m not at all in favour of it.

I’m completely opposed to that idea

I’m inclined to disagree with

I’m afraid. I don ‘l go along with this idea

I’m afraid I don ‘I share the opinion

Not necessarily.

That doesn’t necessarily follow/happen …

You may have a point. Nevertheless, I think

I’m not sure that it works like that

That’s highly unlikely

There is no justification for …

I’m afraid. I don’t think there is a link between … and …

I would not say that

I don’t altogether agree with you

I’m bound to say I disagree with you on this point

That’s not possible


… to/in order to address, deal with, tackle, handle this issue

… to/in order to improve, develop, expand, increase….

There are three things to consider. First of all … Next … Finally …

The best alternative/solution/initiative (would be/is to … )

The best measure/ policy/ way/ strategy (would bel is to … )

One thing to do about it is to …

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