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20 cấu trúc “phải biết” khi luyện thi IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing luôn là nỗi sợ của các bạn khi luyện thi IELTS bởi mỗi đề bài sẽ lại có cách phát triển ý khác nhau và có rất nhiều bạn lúng túng trong việc tìm ý tưởng và thể hiện chúng trong 40 phút ngắn ngủi trong phòng thi. 20 cấu trúc mà Oxford English UK chia sẻ dưới đây sẽ là “chìa khoá” giúp các bạn tăng thời gian xử lý đề bài khó và nâng band điểm một cách nhanh chóng.

  1. To play/have a(n) important/key/vital/crucial role in (doing) sth: to play an important part in sth

University education plays a crucial role in improving the quality of human workforce.

  1. To make significant/substantial/valuable/ great/outstanding contribution to sth

The medical advances have made outstanding contribution to the public’s health care.

Technology has made significant contribution to the development of manufacturing.

  1. To solve the problem

Whoever created this problem should solve it.

  1. To be key factors influencing something

Emissions from factories and vehicles are key factors influencing global warming.

  1. To reap the benefits (of sth) – gain benefit from something/ make the most of something

The customers reap the benefits of globalization.

Nowadays, teachers reap the benefits of technology which make their teaching more effective.

  1. To be a contributing factor: to be one of the main causes of sth

The vaccination program has been a contributing factor in the improvement of health standards.

  1. To contribute to sth

Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths a year in the US.

  1. To gain/derive benefit (from sth)

Many students derived enormous benefit from the course.

  1. To have a right to do sth = to be entitled to do sth

Everyone should have the right to decide their own fate.

Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance.

  1. To benefit greatly/enormously/considerably … from sth

Thousands of patients have benefited considerably from the new treatment.

  1. To have/enjoy/achieve a huge/great success in doing sth

We want all our students to achieve a huge success in the exam

  1. To launch a full-scale investigation into sth

The authorities are planning to launch a full-scale investigation into the crash.

  1. To meet the needs of/demands

The charity exists to meet the needs of elderly people.

  1. To fulfill a role/duty/function/ an aim/a goal/an objective/dream/ambition/hope

Visiting Disneyland has fulfilled a boyhood dream.

  1. To fulfill a requirement/condition/obligation

Britain was accused of failing to fulfill its obligation under the EU Treaty.

  1. To fulfill a promise/pledge = to keep a promise

I’d like to see him fulfil his promise to reorganize the army.

  1. To satisfy sb’s needs/demands/desires/requirements

The program is designed to satisfy the needs of adult learners.

  1. To have/gain knowledge/understanding of sth

The course has helped thousands of students gain knowledge of writing skill.

  1. To have/make common cause (with/against)

Some officials expect other Western governments to make common cause with them over the arrests.

  1. To cause somebody to do something

What caused you to change your mind ?

Nên luyện thi IELTS ở đâu tại Hà Nội?

Hiện nay tại Hà Nội, có rất nhiều các trung tâm dạy IELTS uy tín, trong đó phải kể đến Oxford English UK, tại số 83 Nguyễn Ngọc Vũ, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội.

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  • Giảng viên xuất sắc, chuẩn quốc tế, giàu kinh nghiệm thực chiến, Bạn sẽ không thể tin nổi sự tiến bộ nhanh chóng đến không ngờ của chính mình tự tin chinh phục điểm số mục tiêu.
  • Môi trường đào tạo truyền cảm hứng, giúp bạn vượt qua những giờ học IELTS đầy áp lực một cách nhẹ nhàng.
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  • Tham gia các lộ trình ôn thi IELTS tại trung tâm, bạn sẽ được cam kết bằng văn bản cho điểm số đầu ra của mình.


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